Shepherding a Child’s Heart Book Study

By Dr. Tedd Tripp


In this parenting resource, Tedd Tripp combines principles
from the Bible with real-life examples to show readers how to
use the Bible as their guide for parenting their children
rather than relying on ever-changing advice from the world.
This study should also be valuable to grandparents and anyone
working with children
. Join us as we read the book, view the
video sessions, and discuss the material and potential ways
to put it into practice in the home or church.

This Friday night study will start shortly after the Awana
children’s program begins (7:15), and end a little before
(8:45), making it very convenient for parents to drop off their
children and attend the sessions. Each couple or an
individual parent will receive a copy of the book.

Shepherding a Child’s Heart is about how to speak to the heart of your child. The things your child does and says flow from the heart. Luke 6:45 puts it this way: “…out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”

In this newly-recorded edition, Tedd Tripp presents his Shepherding a Child’s Heart seminar in twelve half-hour sessions. Tedd has refined this material over two decades, resulting in a presentation that is practical and accessible. He draws on his wealth of experience as a parent, school administrator, and pastor as he guides viewers through the principles of biblical parenting.


From the preface of the book's 2nd edition:
"God is concerned with the heart - the well-spring of life (Proverbs 4:23). Parents tend to focus on the externals of behavior rather than internal overflow of the heart. We tend to worry more about the 'what' of behavior than the 'why'. Accordingly,most of us spend an enormous amount of energy in controlling and constraining behavior. To the degree and extent to which our focus is on behavior, we miss the heart.

When we miss the heart, we miss the subtle idols of the heart. Romans 1 makes it clear that all human beings are worshipers; either we worship and serve God, or we make an exchange and worship and serve substitutes for God - created things rather than the Creator (Romans 1:18-25). When parenting short circuits to behavior we miss the opportunity to help our kids understand that straying behavior displays a straying heart. Our kids are always serving something, either God or a substitute for God--an idol of the heart."

This study should be valuable for parents, grandparents and anyone working with children. Join us as we read the book, view the video sessions, and discuss the material and potential ways to put it into practice in the home or church.

Shepherding A Child's Heart DVD - Revised and Updated

When We Meet

Fridays during Awana

All Meetings are in the past